This thesis is aimed at discovering new learning algorithms inspired by principles of biological evolution, which are able to exploit relational and contextual information, viewing clustering and classification problems in a dynamical system perspective. In particular, we have investigated how game theoretic models can be used to solve different Natural Language Processing tasks. Traditional studies of language have used a game-theoretic perspective to study how language evolves over time and how it emerges in a community but to the best of our knowledge, this is the first attempt to use game-theory to solve specific problems in this area.
These models are based on the concept of equilibrium, a state of a system, which emerges after a series of interactions among the elements, which are part of it. Starting from a situation in which there is uncertainty about a particular phenomenon, they describe how a disequilibrium state resolves in equilibrium. The games are situations in which a group of objects has to be classified or clustered and each of them has to choose its collocation in a predefined set of classes. The choice of each one is influenced by the choices of the other and the satisfaction that a player has, about the outcome of a game, is determined by a payoff function, which the players try to maximize. After a series of interactions the players learn to play their best strategies, leading to an equilibrium state and to the resolution of the problem.
From a machine-learning perspective this approach is appealing, because it can be employed as an unsupervised, semi-supervised or supervised learning model. We have used it to resolve the word sense disambiguation problem. We casted this task as a constraint satisfaction problem, where each word to be disambiguated is con- strained to choose the most coherent sense among the available, according to the sense that the words around it are choosing. This formulation ensures the mainte- nance of textual coherence and has been tested against state-of-the-art algorithms with higher and more stable results.
We have also used a game theoretic formulation, to improve the clustering results of dominant set clustering and non-negative matrix factorization technique. We evaluated our system on different document datasets through different approaches, achieving results, which outperform state-of-the-art algorithms.
This work opened new perspectives in game theoretic models, demonstrating that these approaches are promising and that they can be employed also for the resolution of new problems.