This paper aims to stimulate the debate about Deaf humor and its importance for a better understanding of Deaf culture. At this purpose the show “PA PA” performed in Italian Sign Language (LIS) by the Deaf actor Gabriele Caia has been analyzed. The entire performance was divided in 58 little videos that present relevant information about the adopted humor strategies and the cultural references occurring in it. The analysis of “PA PA” show displays two features that has been already mentioned in the Deaf humor literature, such as: the visual nature of Deaf humor with its inner visual logic and knowledge of the world, and the creative use of sign language as an effective linguistic strategy to trigger laughter and amusement. At these elements other two features has been detected in the show, like the use of subtle, implicit humor against hearing oppression and discrimination, as well the use of the mainstream pejorative language as a technique that positively re-signify words thanks to humor and criticism.
In addition, the functions of Caia's humor follow and support the main reflections elaborated so far by researchers of Deaf humor. The actor uses humor to bond with Deaf members of the community; to show the less-desirable behavior of the Italian Deaf community; to criticize and belittle the hearing prejudice about the Deaf world.