Well-Being and Challenges faced by students during COVID-19

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dc.contributor.advisor Menegale, Marcella it_IT
dc.contributor.author Smith, Natalie Elyse <1996> it_IT
dc.date.accessioned 2022-06-23 it_IT
dc.date.accessioned 2022-10-11T08:25:26Z
dc.date.available 2022-10-11T08:25:26Z
dc.date.issued 2022-07-19 it_IT
dc.identifier.uri http://hdl.handle.net/10579/21565
dc.description.abstract This paper examines how COVID-19 has played a fundamental role in the way students are approaching education, and the psychological aspects that have affected their well-being during these challenging times. The paper analyzes the methods in which students have employed to transition from in-person learning to distance learning during a global pandemic and how the integration of these methods have positively or negatively affected their mental, physical and social well-being in terms of education. It will observe how positivity is an important element in learning for students globally, and directly affects their growth in the classroom. With this dissertation, research and data will be collected by students in the format of surveys to collect quantitative results which will provide in-depth findings in order to observe students’ overall well-being and challenges met. it_IT
dc.language.iso en it_IT
dc.publisher Università Ca' Foscari Venezia it_IT
dc.rights © Natalie Elyse Smith, 2022 it_IT
dc.title Well-Being and Challenges faced by students during COVID-19 it_IT
dc.title.alternative Well-Being and Challenges faced by students during COVID-19 it_IT
dc.type Master's Degree Thesis it_IT
dc.degree.name Scienze del linguaggio it_IT
dc.degree.level Laurea magistrale it_IT
dc.degree.grantor Dipartimento di Studi Linguistici e Culturali Comparati it_IT
dc.description.academicyear 2021/2022_sessione estiva_110722 it_IT
dc.rights.accessrights openAccess it_IT
dc.thesis.matricno 879850 it_IT
dc.description.note it_IT
dc.degree.discipline it_IT
dc.contributor.co-advisor it_IT
dc.subject.language INGLESE it_IT
dc.date.embargoend it_IT
dc.provenance.upload Natalie Elyse Smith (879850@stud.unive.it), 2022-06-23 it_IT
dc.provenance.plagiarycheck Marcella Menegale (menegale@unive.it), 2022-07-11 it_IT

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