This thesis presents a linguistic analysis of different informative medical brochures written both in Chinese and Italian with the purpose of analyzing how expert-non-expert communication in the medical field occurs in writing.
In Chinese, technical language is mainly made up of common words which, at least if taken individually, are easily readable and understandable for a native speaker; on the contrary, the Italian language for special purposes, which largely originates from Greek and Latin, is made up of terms that are often difficult to understand for those who do not possess an adequate knowledge of this specific terminology.
The following thesis has been accordingly divided into three parts: in the first part, the differences between Chinese and Italian medical specialist language are pointed out, in order to comprehend the structure of both languages and their linguistic dynamics; the second part focuses on the textual analysis of several brochures, in order to identify their differences mainly from a semantic point of view, and is followed by a translation proposal.
Finally, in the third and last part, a translation commentary is given to justify the translation choices adopted.