20th century artists' oil paints : a chemical-physical survey

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dc.contributor.advisor Biscontin, Guido it_IT
dc.contributor.author Izzo, Francesca Caterina <1982> it_IT
dc.date.accessioned 2011-07-02T09:55:23Z it_IT
dc.date.accessioned 2012-07-30T16:04:27Z
dc.date.available 2011-07-02T09:55:23Z it_IT
dc.date.available 2012-07-30T16:04:27Z
dc.date.issued 2011-05-05 it_IT
dc.identifier.uri http://hdl.handle.net/10579/1100 it_IT
dc.description.abstract Il progetto sviluppato in questa tesi di Dottorato in Scienze chimiche riguarda lo studio di opere di arte moderna e contemporanea con particolare riferimento alle indagini sui materiali e tecnologie usate dagli artisti. Per tale ricerca sono state sviluppate delle tecniche di indagine innovative, specifiche in grado di rilevare non solamente la natura dei materiali utilizzati ma anche il loro comportamento nel tempo. Questa ricerca si è inserita in un progetto internazionale riguardante appunto la conservazione dell’arte contemporanea (20th Century Oil Paint Project, promosso dall'ICN The Netherlands Institute for Cultural Heritage, Amsterdam in collaborazione con il Courtauld Institute of Art, London, ilTate, London e il Getty Conservation Institute, Los Angeles). Il lavoro di tesi ha portato in particolare alla messa a punto di metodologie di studio dei oleosi attraverso l’impiego di tecniche cromatografiche (GC-MS, Py-GC-MS) che hanno consentito di individuare la presenza e il ruolo di alcuni additivi industriali (come gli stearati di alluminio e zinco e l'olio di ricino idrogenato) che fino ad ora non erano stati rilevati in maniera significativa,ma che rivestono un ruolo importante nella produzione industriale dei materiali dell’arte. La ricerca è stata condotta dapprima su campioni pittorici ad olio realizzati in laboratorio utilizzando leganti oleosi, pigmenti, siccativi e additivi impiegati nella moderna produzione industriale di colori ad olio. I film pittorici sono stati analizzati mediante l’uso di svariate tecniche analitiche, tra cui la spettrometria infrarosso in trasformata di Fourier (FT-IR), la spettrofotometria a raggi X (XRF), la Termogravimetria (TG), la Calorimetria Differenziale a Scansione (DSC) e la Gascromatografia abbinata alla Spettrometria di Massa (GC-MS). La parte sperimentale si è poi incentrata sullo studio di colori ad olio (a tubetto) provenienti da collezioni storiche di famose ditte produttrici di colori ad olio (come ad esempio Winsor&Newton, Talens, Old Holland, Maimeri). L’ultima parte della tesi è stata dedicata allo studio di significative opere moderne e contemporanee di artisti quali Lucio Fontana, Jasper Johns, Karel Appel, Willem de Kooning, Salvador Dalì, Henri Matisse, Isabel Lambert-Rawsthorne, Ethel Walker, etc. I risultati, oltre che a chiarire le situazioni sotto indagine, aprono una serie di nuove prospettive su settori finora poco approfonditi nella produzione artistica e tecnologica dell’arte moderna e contemporanea. it_IT
dc.description.abstract The research project developes in PhD research in Chemical Sciences deals with the study of modern and contemporary works of art, focusing on materials and production techniques employed by artists. In this study innovative and specific analytical techniques have been optimised: the survey has been successful not only in detecting the nature of artistic materials used in the 20th century, but also in studying their behaviours over time. Thid PhD researc has been part of an international project concerning the Conservation of Contemporary Art and has lead to the improvement of new methodologies to study proteinaceous and lipidic binding media by using chromatographic techniques (GC-MS, Py-GC-MS, HPLC). These methods have also allowed for the identification and the role of industrial additives (such as aluminium and zinc stearates and hydrogenated castor oil), which had been not fully studied previously. This part of the PhD research has been developed in the Netherlands, in the laboratories of the ICN (The Netherlands Institute for Cultural Heritage, Amsterdam), under the supervision of Dr. Klaas Jan van den Berg and Mr. Ing. Henk van Keulen. The research has been part of the international project called "20th Century Oil Paint Project", carried out at ICN in collaboration with Courtauld Institute of Art, London, Tate, London and Getty Conservation Institute, Los Angeles. The research was initially focused on the study of laboratory-reconstructed oil films, which were prepared with lipidic binders, additives, pigments and driers used by modern oil manufacturers. The films were studied by using several analytical techniques: FT-IR, XRF, TG-DSC and GC-MS. This study has lead to an improvement of analytical methodologies for the study of manufactured oil samples. Furthermore, the research focused on real samples taken from important modern paintings by Lucio Fontana, Jasper Johns, Karel Appel, Willem de Kooning, Salvador Dalì, Henri Matisse, Isabel Lambert-Rawsthorne, Ethel Walker, etc. The obtained results are a further step in the knowledge of materials used in artistic and technological production in Contemporary Art. it_IT
dc.format.medium Tesi cartacea it_IT
dc.language.iso en it_IT
dc.publisher Università Ca' Foscari Venezia it_IT
dc.rights © Francesca Caterina Izzo, 2011 it_IT
dc.subject Oil painting it_IT
dc.subject Conservation of modern art it_IT
dc.subject Gascromatografia abbinata alla spettrometria di massa (GC-MS) it_IT
dc.subject Fatty acids it_IT
dc.subject Fontana, Lucio it_IT
dc.subject Drying oil it_IT
dc.subject Manufactured artists' paints it_IT
dc.subject Paint technology it_IT
dc.title 20th century artists' oil paints : a chemical-physical survey it_IT
dc.type Doctoral Thesis it_IT
dc.degree.name Scienze chimiche it_IT
dc.degree.level Dottorato di ricerca it_IT
dc.degree.grantor Scuola di dottorato in Scienze e tecnologie (SDST) it_IT
dc.description.academicyear 2009/2010 it_IT
dc.description.cycle 23 it_IT
dc.degree.coordinator Ugo, Paolo it_IT
dc.location.shelfmark D001030 it_IT
dc.location Venezia, Archivio Università Ca' Foscari, Tesi Dottorato it_IT
dc.rights.accessrights openAccess it_IT
dc.thesis.matricno 955473 it_IT
dc.format.pagenumber [4], 226 p. it_IT
dc.description.tableofcontent page aim of the thesis 4 Chapter 1: introduction to the 20th century artists’ oil paints 2 1.1.Review on studies and researches on artists’ oil paint 5 1.2 Modern and contemporary oil paints 19 1.3 State of the art: 20th century oil paints 27 1.4 The goals of this research 29 Chapter 2: investigation TECHNIQUES 33 2.1 Introduction 33 2.2 Techniques 34 Chapter 3: EXPERIMENTAL 42 3.1 Reference oil paints: reconstructions 42 3.2 Manufactured oil paints 45 3.2 Analytical techniques: experimental conditions and instrumental details 50 3.4 Improvement of a gas chromatography-mass spectrometric methodology for 20th century artists’ oil paints 52 Chapter 4: RESULTS 74 4.1 Reconstructions 74 4.2 Manufactured oil paints 105 4.3 Multivariate statistical analysis 133 Chapter 5: CASE STUDIES 137 5.1 Introduction 137 5.2 Olii, Fine di Dio and Concetto Spaziale by Lucio Fontana 139 5.3 Jasper Johns, Untitled 1964-65, 1965 156 5.4 Karen Appel, La Grande Fleur de la Nuit, 1954 166 5.5 Salvador Dalì, Landscape with girl skipping a rope, 1936 174 5.6 Isabel Lambert-Rawsthorne, Male Baboon, c.1950 178 5.7 Ethel Walker, Models resting, c.1950 186 5.8 F. Breton,Three Urchin Boys,c.1920 195 CONCLUDING REMARKS & FUTURE PERSPECTIVES 202 BIBLIOGRAPHY 204 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS 218 it_IT
dc.identifier.bibliographiccitation Izzo, F.C., "20th century artists' oil paints : a chemical-physical survey", Università Ca' Foscari Venezia, tesi di Dottorato in Scienze Chimiche, XXIII ciclo, 2011 it_IT

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