Nagorno-Karabakh (Artsakh). Ongoing Conflict and Unrecognized De Facto State

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dc.contributor.advisor Ferrari, Aldo it_IT David, Anca Alexandra <1989> it_IT 2016-06-15 it_IT 2016-10-07T07:59:21Z 2016-07-04 it_IT
dc.description.abstract Nagorno-Karabakh, for the Armenians Artsakh, is usually presented by international media and scholars under the label of “frozen conflict”. However, after a closer analysis of the current situation, this label turns out to be utterly inaccurate. First of all because the conflict can hardly be considered frozen: after more than two decades from the Ceasefire Agreement signed with the mediation of the OSCE Minsk Group in 1994, not only do the violations continue on the borders along the buffer zone between Nagorno-Karabakh and Azerbaijan, but the so called “war of snipers" has extended geographically - now including also the border between Armenia and Azerbaijan, in Tavush Region - and it has intensified, since the violations are no longer measured in bullets shot, but in casualties. Recently, between 2nd and 5th April 2016 the situation has escalated into full-scale war. Military actions only ceased after the OSCE Minsk Group meeting in Vienna, proving the importance of international mediation in the peace process. Nonetheless, after a couple of days, on the line of contact, the shooting started once again and the situation remains unstable. Secondly, Nagorno-Karabakh should not be considered only as a conflict, a disputed territory; this international attitude is perceived as reductive by the Armenian community, especially in Artsakh, considering it has paid and is still paying a high price for its right to self-determination. Nowadays the Republic of Nagorno-Karabakh (Artsakh) is a de facto State, it has the attributes of a State, but lacks international recognition. The international community, even if unwilling or unable to formally recognize it, considering the principles of international law, should however acknowledge its existence and functioning in order to find the best way to deal with the actual situation in the South Caucasus, since the unresolved issue of Nagorno-Karabakh has a strong impact on the whole region. This paper will analyse the Nagorno-Karabakh issue, its historical evolution and the situation nowadays, the reasons why it is still unresolved and its implications, the effects it has in the South Caucasus region, as well as the attitudes and interests on the geopolitical chessboard, concluding with what could be the possible solutions. it_IT
dc.language.iso it_IT
dc.publisher Università Ca' Foscari Venezia it_IT
dc.rights © Anca Alexandra David, 2016 it_IT
dc.title Nagorno-Karabakh (Artsakh). Ongoing Conflict and Unrecognized De Facto State it_IT
dc.title.alternative it_IT
dc.type Master's Degree Thesis it_IT Relazioni internazionali comparate - international relations it_IT Laurea magistrale it_IT Scuola in Relazioni Internazionali it_IT
dc.description.academicyear 2015/2016, sessione estiva it_IT
dc.rights.accessrights closedAccess it_IT
dc.thesis.matricno 833983 it_IT
dc.subject.miur it_IT
dc.description.note it_IT it_IT it_IT
dc.subject.language RUSSO it_IT 10000-01-01
dc.provenance.upload Anca Alexandra David (, 2016-06-15 it_IT
dc.provenance.plagiarycheck Aldo Ferrari (, 2016-06-27 it_IT

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