In this thesis I’m seeking to explain the reasons that are bihind the Tunisian revolution and how the Tunisian youths Succeeded to shift a strong political system and one of bigs dictatorship in the Arab world Leaded by Zine AlBidine Ben Ali with a peacful revolution without no leadership and no previous plan. Added to that, they opened the doors to the other Arab youths to revolt against their dictator systems like what happens in Libiya, Egypt,Yemen and Syria. So what happened in Tunisia spread quiklly among the other Arab countries and specially the youths to became a serious of revolutions that has become what we call “The Arab spring”.
My thesis is going to be diveded into two main parts. In the first part, I will folks on the social and the political reasons behind the Tunisian revolution and how a Simple protest started from simple street saler, named by Mohammed El Bouazizi, has devolopped to become a national manifestations against a strong police system that governs the country for 24 years.
While in the secound part I will analyse how does this revolution influenced the youth of the rest Arab world and make them following the steps of the Tunisian youth to revolt against their political systems. In addition to that, the second part will analysis the success and the fail of the other revolutions like the Egyption, Libyan, Syrian, yemenian and the Bahranian.