This thesis is developed from the "Integrated Water Resource Management at Dojran Lake" project of the CMCC institution, with the general purpose of providing a support to the implementation of the project's goals and final objectives.
The analysis poses its basis on the current relations between the European Union and the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia and on its status of candidate country. It also focuses on the Instrument for Pre - accession Assistance, granted to this new candidate member country in order to implement the European prerequisites towards its accession into Europe, from which cross-border cooperation agreements of the area in terms of environment and economical sustainability derive.
An analysis of the European Water Framework Directive follows, as a notable requirement in the environmental sector for Member States, with a digression on the current status of water management and initiatives in the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia and its level of implementation in the European Directive.
This constitutes the initial international scenario for developing an analysis focused on the importance given by the Payments for Ecosystem Services method, a basilar passage for understanding the most efficient way to raise awareness about environmental issues among the community, institutions and stakeholders. An analysis on how a Payment for Ecosystem Services agreement could be integrated with the European Water Framework Directive is also developed.
A practical proposal of Payment for Ecosystem Services implementation is then proposed for the case study, focusing on improved water quality and quantity within the lake as a final objective. This process is carried out while keeping in mind the vulnerable characteristics of the area around Dojran Lake as a prerequisite for its sustainable development and that every action has to be implemented with transboundary approach, following the European Water Framework Directive. This is followed by a Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats analysis, which underlines the potential and the obstacles of its possible future implementation, and by a digression concerning the similar characteristics between the Water Framework Directive requisites.
It is concluded that the proposed Payment for Ecosystem Services mechanism is considered as a helpful tool for understanding the role of governments and institutions concerning the enhancement of cross-border cooperation. This is especially so with the purpose of safeguarding human well-being in the area on one hand and respecting such a unique environment on the other.
The proposed Payment for Ecosystem Services mechanism is contemplated as a possible instrument for supporting the process of Macedonian harmonization of the European legislation through the implementation of the European acquis towards the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia accession into Europe. This would also provide additional support by aligning the Macedonian position to the European objectives of the European Common Agricultural policy requirements.