The goal of my thesis is to analyse how the food&wine Italian firms can use and take advantage of their local quality and knowledge in the global value chains.
In particular, I will study the different ways in which these companies can develop a process of internationalization.
I will illustrate how quality of food&wine Italian products could change with the internationalization of the totality or a part of the production processes, and which could be the advantages or the problems of such strategy.
In order to bring material examples and to make up a base for my analysis I will expose a few case studies of food&wine Italian firms that have carried out a process of internationalization, highlighting the need of making distinctions depending on the case.
In fact, different products have got different features, therefore my aim is not to give a general and universal model, but rather to study the different strategic solutions that firms have put into practice.
In particular I will study the following cases:
_Rigoni di Asiago _Masi Agricola _Casa Vinicola Zonin _Brazzale