This thesis examines the controversy surrounding Gulf war, CNN myth and the impact of news on the foreign policy making process of the United States. After an historical examination of Gulf war events and CNN history, a remark of CNN effect theory is developed that provides a tool for the examination of past, present and future conflicts. Subsequent sections examine the application of this model and the limitations provided by journalists, policy-makers, and scholars. The final section summarizes the findings. With my thesis I want to show some evidences that explain how the media has influenced the foreign policies of the strategic leaders. There are huge elements to be focused on as the quotations of experts and foreign affairs leaders. The unsettled questions are: Did the Gulf War coverage change policy-makers perception of the use of the media in the policy process? How does the Cnn Effect work? How much influence does the 24-hour news network really have on foreign policy? In order to find the answers, I examined the impact of CNN's Gulf war coverage.