The essay attempts to use the Cultural and Creative Industries (CCI) as a tool to understand contemporary urban development in Hong Kong.
For China as well "Creativity" is nowadays considered as the main source of innovation and progress. As a matter fact several chinese cities are adopting creativity-led types of urban planning trying to evolve into "Creative Cities".
The thesis exemplifies the adoption of the concept of creativity in urban China, specifically in Hong Kong, as a marketing strategy used to relaunch the city in times of financial crisis and fierce competition with other chinese cities.
The research is based on an initial review of the relevant literature and of the municipal policies on creativity-led planning. Subsequently an indeepth empirical analysis has been conducted on the largest government driven public space development project: "West Kowloon Cultural District".
The challenging goal of the Government of HKSAR is to position
Hong Kong as the cultural hub of Asia, thus upgrading Hong Kong from a financial city to a global one with diversity of cultures.