In the modern world, where knowledge of foreign languages plays a key role in professional and personal development, educational tourism related to language learning occupies a special place. This study aims to comprehensively explore these aspects, which will allow us to propose ways to improve educational tourism in the context of language schools and their long-term development.
Research into the business models of language schools and their marketing strategies is essential to understanding how these organizations attract students from around the world. Understanding the mechanisms by which schools incentivise students to travel to another country to study a language allows us to identify the key factors that influence the choice of educational destination.
Analysing the business models of language schools, their marketing strategies and their impact on educational tourism not only provides a deeper understanding of the current state of this sector, but also allows us to identify existing problems and develop recommendations to address them.
This work will examine traveler behavior, perspectives, and motivations. Conversely, a comprehensive overview of the language tourism supply will be presented, detailing its primary components, particularly the aspects of language learning and travel.