Theis focuses on the Scottish wildcat (Felis silvestris), a subpopulation of the European wildcat, which is almost extinct in Scotland due to historical persecution. Currently, their main threat is hybridisation with feral domestic cats (Felis catus), leading to an increasing loss of the genetic pool of wildcats and the spreading of diseases among their population. This study investigates and compares three different perspectives. The first one is the conservationist perspective, which focuses on the creation of projects for the reintroduction of pure wildcats and neutering feral domestic cats. The critical perspective examines conservation and rewilding through a non-anthropocentric lens, highlighting the interconnectedness of species. It offers a reinterpretation of Scottish wildcat and domestic cat hybridization, advocating for a more inclusive conservation approach. The third perspective explores the relationship between wildcats and humans both historically and in contemporary times, based on fieldwork conducted in the Scottish Highlands during September-October 2023, where I engaged with local communities to understand their views on this species.