Women, lands, peace. But also: care, natural resources, and bodies. What do these elements have in common? How do they intertwine? To find an answer, this work needed to make before yet another reflection: how can we make the world we are living in tailor-made for every being that inhabits it? All these reflections reveal to be grafted into the very concept of ecofeminism. Longly approached as a hypothetical set of theories, ecofeminism proves instead to be a policy-making, valid, and concrete way of intra-acting with patriarchal power structures through the workings of the Colombian movement known as La Ruta Pacífica de las Mujeres. Exploring the way the movement is trying to foster a feminist perspective in peace-making processes also means understanding how the elements above mentioned intersect and intertwine, while showing the way for new, ecofeminist, and regenerative approaches to non-human lives.