By enabling green technology, developing hybrid physical-digital solutions that may meet organizational performance needs, and advancing business practices, information systems (IS), technology and innovation can drive business transformation toward sustainability at a large scale. Instead of merely helping "green" business processes, these supporting green marketing adoptions offer an alternate path to corporate sustainability by enhancing the impact of environmentally advantageous innovations on organizational performance, encouraging the adoption of such new green innovations. By integrating and utilizing digital technology, firms are evolving into agile businesses at an increasing rate. According to prior studies, organizational knowledge may aid in proactive management of digital technology inflexibility and lessen the likelihood of digital technology inflexibility. Through taking significant action, this study helps us better understand how commercial environmental ethics affect performance. According to empirical findings from the study, businesses with greater environmental ethics are more likely to adopt green marketing strategies, which include programs for green manufacturing, pricing, distribution, and promotion, and as a result, perform better financially. It should be highlighted that the closure mechanism, which fosters a lack of trust and resistance to internal cooperation, to an extent, modifies the core effect of green marketing initiatives. These findings suggest that it is difficult to assess the importance of company environmental conduct without green adoption; strategy and people are essential, besides achieving environmental performance remains an important goal for technological businesses.