In our age, technological developments affect people's lives in all areas, especially the
industry, the systems of organizations. States and forms of government are also significantly
affected by these technological developments, and states are working hard to act in
accordance with the era. The pace of broadband internet development responds to the
demands of governments, citizens and businesses for greater transparency and inclusion in
public activities; Searches on how to be faster, more efficient and effective in fulfilling their
roles have come to the fore. The requirements for the transition from e-government to
digitalized and smart systems, increasing the availability of open government data, and using
data as a strategic asset in policy development have emerged. Digital technologies are
increasing information disclosure, access to public sector information, and public
participation. Strategies to use data more efficiently and to increase capacities to cover the
use of information and communication technologies (ICT) are planned together. This new
direction of use of digital technologies and their increasing use by governments point to a
shift of values from e-government to digitalized systems, from e-government to smart state.
E-government, as the system in which technology is used, is in this wave of change.
With the new perception, e-government is in the process of digitalization of its states with
conceptual transformation and transition to smart state (a-state). The new approaches go
one step further than e-government in the sense of being open to the public online only. With
the use of new technologies and applications; Smart technologies and applications for
possible new processes and forms of participation, “big data”, “cloud”, “artificial intelligence”,
“internet of things”, “data mining”, “digital government” are discussed today, to the question
of “how to manage communities”. answer is sought (Guenduez et al., 2017: 3). Therefore,
the importance of new government and governance structures beyond previous egovernment initiatives is an undeniable fact. In this context, studies have begun to be carried
out, transforming public transactions and public services, and improving their relations with
citizens and business circles.