This dissertation wants to study how to improve the business’ performance by better using the available information. To do this, a deep analysis of the data coming from the general management can help to develop a Decision Support System, that is a methodology based on the use of the analytics to support decisional processes. To better understand the context and to provide a practical application of this, the data analysis will be applied to Abaco S.p.A and, specifically, to the Mobility division. Abaco is a company based in Montebelluno that supports public entities in the evolution and in the changes of the cities, by developing projects and solutions for a more efficient management of the city’s parking spots and of the mobility in general. From an internship period in Abaco, it was possible to collect data for this analysis. These, will be useful for two purposes. First, the data analysis can help for a better report of the company situation, in order to have a real and direct control of it and provide an additional service for the public entity. Second, the data can be used to build some performance measures and index. This final part will be developed by using SAP Analytic Cloud, a platform that allow companies to work with its data and to analyze them.