Does a university exchange program between different countries make students change the way they are perceiving food?

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dc.contributor.advisor Soukand, Renata it_IT Joly, David <1996> it_IT 2021-06-24 it_IT 2021-10-07T12:38:16Z 2021-10-07T12:38:16Z 2021-07-14 it_IT
dc.description.abstract Food is in the centre of everybody’s life. The interests between food, sociology and the environment are increasing years after years. This thesis aims to determine if a university exchange program between different countries make students change the way they are perceiving food. Specifically, it investigates the link between the way the students were aware or not of the environmental impacts food could have, and if this perception evolved during their time abroad. In this context, the perception will relate to the way the people behaved regarding specific topics about the food and its industry. To experiment this potential change of perception, an online survey was created and distributed online to current and formers students who spent at least one semester abroad, in Italy. Respondents were asked a series of 21 questions about their experience and behaviour towards food, between before and after the moment they lived in Italy. The responses were analysed using different tools. The results shown a significantly evolution in the food perception. Indeed, after a time abroad, many participants declared seeing a certain evolution about themselves, and the way they understand how the food industry is linked with the environment and all the problematics about this domain. The results obtained show that students, after a period of at least 3 months abroad, are likely to change their behaviour toward food depending on the potential environmental impact it could have. However, the availability of the ingredients, the freshness of them as well as their price are also important factors for the participants to consider before buying their food products. it_IT
dc.language.iso en it_IT
dc.publisher Università Ca' Foscari Venezia it_IT
dc.rights © David Joly, 2021 it_IT
dc.title Does a university exchange program between different countries make students change the way they are perceiving food? it_IT
dc.title.alternative Does a university exchange program affect the way students perceive food? it_IT
dc.type Master's Degree Thesis it_IT Scienze ambientali it_IT Laurea magistrale it_IT Scuola in Sostenibilità dei sistemi ambientali e turistici it_IT
dc.description.academicyear 2020/2021-Sessione Estiva it_IT
dc.rights.accessrights openAccess it_IT
dc.thesis.matricno 882286 it_IT
dc.description.note This thesis aims to determine if a university exchange program between different countries make students change the way they are perceiving food. Specifically, it investigates the link between the way the students were aware or not of the environmental impacts that food could have, and if this perception evolved during their time abroad. In this context, the perception will relate to the way the people behaved regarding specific topics about the food and its industry. To experiment this potential change of perception, a survey was created and distributed to current and formers foreign students who spent at least one semester (minimum three months), in Italy. Respondents were asked a series of 21 questions about their experience and behaviour towards food, between before and after their Italian stay. The responses were analysed using different tools. The results have shown a significant evolution in the perception of food. Indeed, after a time abroad, many participants declared seeing a certain evolution about themselves. Their understanding and acknowledging of the environment are seen to have increased and the way they understand how the food industry is linked with the environment and all the problematics about this domain (pollution, greenhouse gases emissions, threatening of the biodiversity). The results obtained show that students, after a period abroad, are likely to change their behaviour toward food depending on the potential environmental impact it could have. However, the availability of the ingredients, the freshness of them as well as their price are also important factors to consider before buying their food products. Future studies should investigate the same topic but in different regions and country, with a wider sample. Finally, further researches are needed to determine more in details the causes and effects of these evolved perceptions, found in this thesis. it_IT it_IT it_IT it_IT
dc.provenance.upload David Joly (, 2021-06-24 it_IT
dc.provenance.plagiarycheck Renata Soukand (, 2021-07-12 it_IT

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