The advent of technology has completely changed the way companies, people and organizations communicate to each other worldwide. Over the years, social media has become an integrative tool of communication strategies. Considering that in social media there are millions of active users every day, who produce and exchange information, companies have to adapt to this "new" digital communication tool which affected everybody.
Due to different reasons that we will examine in the following chapters, users are really interested on other users' comments, feelings, thoughts. In particular, in the brands markets, some elements (comments, reviews of users) could be potentially a crucial factor for subsequently customers purchases. This is only one of the many reasons why companies, organizations, institutions must carefully consider the communication that takes place in social media, in a way to attract, interact and satisfy as many customers (users) as possible.
In the final part of my thesis, I will present some empirical models through which I want to discover if some particular elements of a sample of posts shared on some social media (Facebook and Instagram) influence negatively and positively users' attention, suggesting possible outcomes for future researches and organizations which could gain interesting insights for their communication strategy.