The issue of climate change has been discussed in various situations in the past and it is now clear that this problem is real and urgent to say the least. Climate change does not only mean global warming and it is not only caused by one thing. It has been proven that the real changes started to occur after the industrialization, when the use of fossil fuels and the western economies boomed. To evaluate this phenomenon the amount of greenhouse gases emitted is calculated, which include carbon dioxide, nitrogen and methane as the most dangerous gases produced. Once calculated the amount emitted, everything is transformed into CO2e, which is a standard unit for measuring carbon footprints that converts all the greenhouse gases into CO2 equivalents. Throughout this thesis it will be shown that the main actor in the climate change phenomenon is the livestock, not only for gases produced, but also for the amount of essential resources used. The main goal is to try to find plausible solutions that would help stop, or at least decrease this problem.