After a brief introduction to the measures, known as trade remedies or trade defence instruments, that a member of the World Trade Organization (WTO) can enact when affected by unfair trade practices and the WTO principles to which these measures are an exception, the initial part of this work addresses the main features of the anti-dumping legislation at the global level. Moving to the regional level, the anti-dumping laws and practices of the European Union (EU) will be examined, providing an overview of the institutional and administrative framework that the EU has put in place, before focusing on the participation opportunities and defence rights afforded to the parties affected by these decisions. Further research on the recent effort by the EU to modernize anti-dumping investigations will provide the opportunity to discuss the concepts of market-economy status and significant distortions in the market of the exporting country, tackling the use of anti-dumping measures by so-called new users in the rest of the work.