This thesis analyzes the past and ongoing evolutionary trends in the port and maritime sector. In the last decades, the identity of ports has been characterized by substantial changes under multiple dimensions. This work starts with a review of the main developments occurring since the second half of the 20th century, with a focus on the role and functions, the governance models, the technological innovations, and social and sustainability dimensions of seaports. Having analyzed the occurred evolution of the industry, the rest of the thesis takes into consideration the current and potential future developments for seaports, with a primary focus on the Chinese Belt and Road Initiative and its effects on port strategies.
The North Adriatic Sea Port Authority (Venice Port Authority) is examined as a case study, with regard to the variables considered in the first part of this work, its competitive position relative to competitors, and its strategic intents. Such analysis stems from a literature review, integrated with insights acquired through an internship and semi-structured interviews conducted in the Port Authority. The goal is to identify the competitive position of the Port Authority of Venice, in consideration to the trends taking place in the industry and the port's competitive factors as potential drivers of success in the new world inevitably influenced by the Belt and Road Initiative.