In just about 30 years, China has become one of the main actors on the international board, climbing the ladder and earning a sit among global superpowers. At the same time, it transformed into a global powerhouse in OFDI (Outgoing Foreing Direct Investment), a characteristic that is usually prerogative of countries in a more advanced development stage.
This thesis will focus on China's SEZs in Africa. The first chapter will try to understand what were the conditions that allowed it to become a top 3 global investor. The second chapter will explore why these investments matter in the perspective of the "going out" strategy and the sino-african relationships. Finally, the SEZs will be analyzed both in a wider perspective to understand the process that brought to the creation of such zones and in a more specific, zone by zone, overview. The last chapter will serve as an assessment of the possible socio-economic effects on the host countries, highlighting present and future challenges.