Modern web applications often rely on third-party services to provide
their functionality to users. The integration of these services is a
non-trivial task and, as shown by the large number of attacks against
Single-Sign-On and Cashier-as-a-Service protocols, often opens up
possibilities for logic flaws in web security protocols.
In this thesis we explore the design challenges of a run-time security
monitor for web protocols, identifying the fundamental ingredients needed
to mitigate logic flaws in multi-party web applications.
We then present a black-box methodology to generate verified monitors
from applied pi-calculus specifications of web protocols. These monitors are
guaranteed to have the security properties defined in the specification
phase and can be deployed on the browser-side (ServiceWorker) and
the server-side (reverse proxy).
We evaluate the effectiveness of the approach by testing it against a
pool of vulnerable applications that use the OAuth 2.0 protocol and that
integrate the PayPal payment system.