The work carries out a comparative analysis of the performance of the private equity
activity in the following markets:
- Italian market;
- French market;
- Russian Market.
The focus of this dissertation is to explore how the same instrument, private equity,
is perceived in these different markets and thus how the investors react and commit
themselves and their financial resources and managerial expertise to this activity.
The choice to analyse these specific markets lies in the fact thatI had the opportunity
to take part to two student exchange programs, having the possibility to collect the
relevant data in loco (France and Russia). This research compares realities that have
different historical and cultural backgrounds, which in turn will obviously affect
how an individual poses himself towards the same instrument under analysis. By
analysing these markets, it is possible to understand in which sectors the investors
prefer to address their resources and thus to have an insight of the contribution to
the development of the firms and the national economy as a final effect.
The first part of this research is a theoretical approach to the private equity activity,
and therefore the main characteristics of this instrument are analysed. The reasons
that lead the firms and the investors to commit themselves in this activity are
analysed. Moreover, a description of the benefits and the problems linked to the
private equity activity are studied. They are general consequences of the private
equity activity.
The second chapter focuses on the study of alternative resources to long-term
financing of the firms. The private equity falls into the equity category.
The third one describes the general structure of the private equity, and thus both
categories of general and limited partners (investors) are analysed.
The second part is more analytical and it is carried out from the standpoint of the
investors. The main purpose is to analyse each of the three markets along the
fundraising, investment and disinvestment activity dimensions.
An historical reference of the birth of the private equity and its development in each
of the markets under analysis is provided for two reasons. One is in order to better
understand the evolution of this activity over the years and the other is because it
leads us to better comprehend the nowadays activity of the investors.
The purpose of the analysis of the European market is to better understand the
position, and therefore the collocation of the Italian and French markets in the
European context.
The analysis of the three markets highlight the propensity of the investors to invest
primarily in their own countries, thus supporting their national companies and
contributing to fostering their national economies. In Russia and Italy, the presence
of the institutional investors in 2017 has been remarkable. This presence in the
Italian market could be explained by a changing in the economic policy of the
country, on the other hand, the presence of the State in almost every aspect of Russia
has always been the benchmark between Russia and the other countries. A relevant
difference between, on one hand the Italian and French market, and on the other
hand the Russian one, is the more recent introduction of this activity in this latter
country (compared to the other two markets under analysis, which are more
mature). A turning point in the Russian economy can be traced back to the so famous
reform called “Perestrojka” (1987) implemented by Mikhail Gorbatchev. However,
for a more openness of the firms in deciding whether to finance their projects with
one financial instrument rather than another, we have to wait until after the fall of
the Soviet Union. Since then, the use of this instrument has increased enormously.
The conclusion of the research focuses on the comparison (similarities and
discrepancies) of the Italian, French and Russian markets.