Dynamic load balancing plays an important role in the management of data centers where a fair workload distribution may be hard to achieve. Dynamic load balance algorithms are usually clustered into two families: A receiver initiated and a sender initiated algorithm. In the former approach, an idle node transfers some of the jobs of a highly-loaded node to its queue, whereas in the latter it is the overloaded node that decides to send somewhere else some of the jobs that have been assigned to itself. The literature has proved the receiver initiated strategies to be more effective than the sender initiated ones under heavy load. In this paper, we study the implementation of load balancing in a queuing networking using Openstack source code. Openstack software controls large pools of computing, storage, and networking resources imitating a cloud datacenter, managed through a dashboard or via the Openstack API. Openstack has a strong ecosystem and works with popular enterprise and open source technologies making it ideal for heterogeneous infrastructure in the Cloud computing environment. Hundreds of the world's largest brands rely on Openstack to run their businesses every day, reducing costs and helping them move and grow faster.